Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A bit of catch-up (weeks 3 & 4)

So I kinda dropped the ball on this whole adventure after week 2: sorry, I got caught up in trying to bang out a dissertation chapter on three novels (still not quite finished with it) and building a fence in part of my backyard for my dog (she now has a lovely 40' x 30' area to run around in like a maniac).

So week 3's haul included a lot of peas, some potatoes, tiny carrots, a tiny squash, a tiny zucchini, arugula, and maybe a few other things that I've forgotten.  I only have pictures of what's left from that week:



Also during week 3 I bought this awesome spice mix:
The university's Campus Kitchen project has a booth at the market and every week they make something highlighting at least one ingredient (usually a few) found at the market.  That week they make roasted chick peas with a few different spice blends--the chick peas were fantastic and we zoomed over to the spice lady, sampled and bought some spice blends.

Last week I wasn't in town, so one of my friends picked up our box for us.  This week's box had mixed salad greens (no picture, since I already ate them), turnips, swiss chard, potatoes, zucchini, and squash--and two garlic bulbs (I declined one since there are three of us splitting--maybe this week there will be more):

I was very glad there were no more peas!  I like peas and all but 3 weeks of snap peas and shell peas and I was done.
This week I plan on sautéing the chard and turnips, and I'm going to see if I can find a way to freeze the rest of the veggies. This Saturday's haul will be mostly going into the freezer to since I'm going on a research trip and won't be able to eat a week's worth of veggies before leaving.

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